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Anchor 1


Approaches to...

Be Effective
Wherever You Are

Steward Your Time and Resources Well

Understand the Power
of Prayer and Perspective

Set Intentional Goals and Actionable Roadmaps


designed to educate, equip and encourage women to stand firm on their identity in Christ, overcome obstacles to their productivity and embrace the opportunity to pivot, as needed.

We all have unique gifts and talents, and it’s important that we’re able to identify the things that will distract, discourage and detour us from being who it is that God created us to be. When we operate from a place of limitation we create or accept restrictions that prevent us from starting and/or seeing things across the finish line with clarity, confidence and courage. 


Having the proper mindset and perspective unlocks a more manageable path to achieving what we set out to do. And, at the end of the day, understanding our identity and protecting our mindset determines how we move. If we’re not careful, our minds can be our biggest obstacle to making progress. It’s the lies that we believe and the words that we allow to come out of our mouths that can create barriers between where we are and where we’re supposed to be. 


Sometimes though, it’s not that we don’t have what we need. It’s just that we need a game plan and a little push to overcome the barriers that are in the way.

Limiting beliefs and self-imposed limitations prevent us from achieving our full potential. Shrinking is not the solution; and, it should never be an option. We serve a big, yet patient, God who desires for us to yield and allow Him to work through us as we confidently walk in our purpose.  


You are capable. 
You are creative.
You are fearfully and wonderfully made.


And as cliché as it may sound, it is honestly time to stop settling and time to get in alignment with your assignment. You no longer have to be bound by excuses. It’s time to break free from the chains of your own mind and put faith in motion, across all areas of your life.


The next step or phase is a decision. A choice. A mindset. 

A lack of clarity, focus and/or time management skills makes it difficult for people to streamline their thoughts, outline a plan, and get moving in the right direction. Implementing subtle shifts, over time, can add up to big wins across the board. These noticeable shifts create data points that ultimately increase confidence and purposeful productivity, as we all look ahead.

Since we weren’t created to do life alone, there’s something really special that happens when we get those extra pushes and support to move things forward. The challenge, the camaraderie, the coaching and the mentoring can refuel us at pivotal touch points along the way.


In addition to witnessing an individual’s milestones, it’s also a rewarding moment for all when we are able to learn from one another, grow with one another and encourage each other to tap into a space that’s never been unlocked before…or hasn’t been accessed for a while.  

Our Program



is a 6-week, interactive faith-based group coaching and mentoring program, created for women who are interested in joining a community where you can connect, create and collaborate with others as we all challenge one another along the path of continual growth.


During our time together, we will look at where and how practical approaches and biblical principles can merge to help us become more effective, purpose-driven people. We will identify and implement actionable strategies that give participants ongoing support, resources and encouragement to clearly and confidently live out your full potential.

So, whether you’re a service-based professional, an entrepreneur, in Corporate America, a stay-at-home mom, or in-between careers...and you're looking for ways to get "unstuck", to overcome obstacles to your productivity, to become a better steward of your time and resources and/or you really could just use some accountability measures as you move forward...the UNMUZZLED® Cohort is for you! 

About CoHort

Here's what you can expect to receive when you join

The UNMUZZLED  Cohort:

Interactive Modules that…

  • Identify systems and processes that will help you be more               intentional across all areas of your life

  • Provide biblical and actionable strategies to live an intentional life 

  • Dive deep into mindset, priorities, stewardship, habits, goals,    obstacles to productivity and more  

  • Challenge you to take ongoing inventories and self-assessments 

Group Coaching & Mentoring Programming with…

  • Weekly, live coaching and mentoring + Q&A sessions  

  • Member-Only chats/conversations

  • Access to an online library of tools, resources, etc.


I'm all set for the UNMUZZLED  Cohort! How do I get started?


Step 1 – To begin the process, CLICK HERE.

Step 2 – Check your email immediately after you've submitted the form to receive next steps

Step 3 – Determine what journal/notebook/device you’ll be using for notes, etc.

Step 4 – Be on the lookout for the next program dates and info session (starting January '24)


meet your facilitator

Hello, and thank you for considering this group coaching and mentoring program! I know there are a lot of decisions to be made each day, and the fact that you’re considering this one is not one that I take for granted, at all. For those who decide to join, thank you for trusting me with your time and your resources. I am serious about serving people and seeing them fully walk out the life that God has designed for them to live.


It’s important to note that this is very much a participatory process; a series of exercises that require application in order to see the benefits. I will walk alongside you, however, I cannot do the work for you. We will look at some practical frameworks and actionable strategies that you can begin implementing right away. Let me be honest with you though. If you aren’t intentional about finding tangible ways to apply what we cover, it will be difficult to expect a different outcome. However, if you do apply it, I believe you will begin to see some noticeable shifts and will better appreciate the benefit of small wins continuing to add up.

I’m excited to be on this journey with you! Thank you, again, for considering this UNMUZZLED® program.

Let’s have some fun!





© 2024 by UNMUZZLED, LLC

If you asked a question, we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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